Consulting - Another Source -Another Source

Recruitment Consulting Services

Training, Alignment and Coaching for Hiring Teams

Transform Your Recruitment Infrastructure


I can’t find qualified candidates. We don’t have enough applicants applying. We’re losing candidates due to salary. It’s hard to find people who want to work in our location. We don’t have a process to follow. I feel siloed. Recruiting isn’t my day job. We’re too understaffed to focus on trying new recruiting ideas.

Does this sound like you and your team? The recruiting and hiring landscape has changed dramatically and continues to change daily, and your team needs to evolve to compete in the war for talent.

Another Source will consult with your hiring teams to explore your organization’s current recruitment infrastructure, go-to-market strategy, and overall recruitment process. Your team will walk away with a better understanding of the current hiring landscape, timeline-focused goals, and the confidence to move forward with results-driven recruitment initiatives.


Recruitment Infrastructure

Recruitment Infrastructure

  • Standardize Processes
  • Communicate Responsibilities
  • Identify Opportunities

Department Alignment

Department Alignment

  • Remove Barriers
  • Set Goals
  • Train Teams

Employment Brand

Employment Brand

  • Your Value to Employees
  • Templatize Offerings
  • Unify Employment Brand Across Departments

Why Another Source?

With over 30 years of identifying and placing talent with happy customers, Another Source is uniquely qualified to train, coach, evaluate and ultimately help transform your recruiting processes. Our team has worked with hundreds of hiring managers and organizations large and small. With a finger on the pulse of the current employment market, we know that an elite team starts with strong recruitment.

We understand your challenges and will help you overcome them through a combination of process audits, goal setting discussions, training sessions and content takeaways.

Ready to get started? Complete the form below!

Become an Alum and Join These Happy Hiring Managers

We partnered with Marcie and Jake to help hiring managers navigate a new employment landscape. They not only led an exploration of recruitment strategies but challenged our HR team to critically review our entire application process. It was exactly what we needed! 

Staci Sleigh-Layman, Executive Director

This project put us on the map.

Lisa Denney, RCO Deputy Director, Stanford University

Contact Us

206.241.8906 |619.215.9084

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