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For Job Seekers

Resources for job seekers from our team of experienced recruiters

A woman wearing a floral print top smiles in a field of sunflowers

Career Resources for Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month! As part of our ongoing commitment to dismantling systemic inequality in recruiting, Another Source wants to share this list of job boards in honor of this celebration.   Whether you are looking for a particular position or something specific to your industry,… Read More
A compass pointing north lies atop a linen backdrop.

Purpose at Work

What does it mean to find purpose at work?    A quick Google search yields over 7 billion results on why purposeful work matters, how younger generations prioritize finding meaning in their work, the benefits for organizations, and the list goes on. Many people recently impacted by industry… Read More
An illustration of 4 figures holding up rulers and the LinkedIn icon

Build a strong LinkedIn profile with these 5 tips

LinkedIn is about as synonymous with job searching in the 21st century as peanut butter and jelly. Making a good impression online isn’t rocket science, but it does involve you being intentional about what you include on your profile. Below are five tried and true methods to… Read More
A journal is open to a page with an ink drawing of a wave and mountain and text on the opposite page.

TEDx: How to Ikigai by Tim Tamashiro

What are you hoping to accomplish this January as we celebrate and welcome another year? If you are in the process of any major transitions, whether at work or personally (nod your head if you are job searching), it is pivotal to find meaning or purpose in life. Easier said… Read More
A yellow paper cutout against a blue background reads “thank you”

Video: Thank-you notes do’s and don’ts

While it’s not necessarily a requirement for the job interview process, writing a thank you note or email is a nice touch that can help you leave a good impression on a hiring manager or team.  Here’s a 90-second video shared by LinkedIn News… Read More
A smiling woman does some brainstorming on a whiteboard.

9 steps to make your resume a success

Did you know that recruiters spend an average of just 10 seconds looking over a resume?  Traditionally, January is one of the busiest times of the year for recruitment. With such an influx of applications and resumes, how do you make yours stand out amongst the crowd?… Read More
A subway train sign that reads "the gap."

What’s the best way to approach a career gap?

Is it true that companies prefer to hire people who have been steadily employed without career gaps? The answer may surprise you – more employers are shifting away from this mindset. To help explain this, consider that historically, previous generations of workers would typically stay with one… Read More
Cover page for our recommended career sites and resources for Hispanic Heritage Month.

Hispanic Heritage Month Career Sites

Here at Another Source, we’re driven by our mission to create an inclusive, equitable, and progressive recruiting process for our candidates and clients alike. In the spirit of Hispanic Heritage Month, we wanted to share career sites and resources tailored to Hispanic job seekers. Hispanic Heritage Month… Read More

Resource: DisABLEDperson, Inc.

disABLEDperson, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to reduce the high unemployment rate of individuals with disabilities. They offer a fully accessible job board, courses for job seekers, and multiple other resources. Read More

20+ Great Questions to Ask an Interviewer

As recruiters, we often stress that a job interview is a two-way street: not only does a candidate need to be a good match for an organization, but the organization must be a good match for the candidate! Interviews are a great opportunity for you as a job seeker to… Read More