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The War For Talent

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What is motivating candidates in their job search?

From quiet quitting to rage applying, it seems that every week a new term crops up attempting to make sense of rapid workforce changes.   Semantics aside, the labor market is still highly competitive with an ongoing population shortage, wage increases driven by inflation, and more retirements. Read More

Resource: The 2022 Job Market Outlook by LaborIQ

Another Source partners with LaborIQ to provide market insight for our clients. Their 2022 Job Market Outlook covers recovery progress and the impact on businesses and hiring, performance by industry and location, diversity as a forefront initiative, and themes to watch in 2022. Read More

Resource: Why U.S. Talent Shortages Are At A 10-Year High

From Forbes: Attracting and retaining skilled workers has rarely been more challenging as 54% of companies globally report talent shortages—the highest in over a decade. But why is the shortage so acute? Changing needs and expectations from employees combined with note enough talent to fill the void and Baby Boomers… Read More

Resource: Candidates Deserve Feedback, Not Excuses

From ERE Recruiting Intelligence: A full 63% of candidates feel that companies are still not providing enough communication in the recruiting process, and that is particularly true when it comes to receiving feedback after a decision is made. Here are a few things you can put in place now to… Read More

6 Quick Tips for a More Inclusive Interview Process

Diversity and inclusivity are priorities for most companies this year, and the interview process is a great place to start. If you’re planning to hire soon, here are a few tips for more inclusive interviewing.  Screen in, not out.  We always recommend screening in instead of screening out… Read More

Halfway There: Reflecting on 2020

July 1st has come and gone, the halfway point of 2020. With so many ups and downs, twists and turns, it has been difficult to maintain any level of normalcy this year. Our world was flipped upside down. There have been predictions missed, loved ones lost, businesses closed,… Read More

Prevent Candidate Loss: Locking In Talent

Have you ever been ghosted during a job search? Or are you guilty of ghosting an applicant? According to Google, “ghosting” is the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication. Since a good portion of the hiring process happens online… Read More

Tell Me More, Tell Me Why

As a recruiter, people often ask me, “What’s the best way to know you’re hiring the right person?” Well, that’s a great question but to be honest, there is no “magic wand” for finding the right person but there are some helpful tools that allow us to do a better… Read More

8 Hires Using Shared Services Approach

Case Study: 8 Hires using Shared Services Approach   Overview Arizona’s largest community college district launched an aggressive strategic initiative to centralize its marketing efforts, moving strategy and decision-making from the separate campuses to the district office. Led by the Strategic Director of Marketing and Operations, the initiative required the… Read More

Five Things to Do Before You Hire A Recruiter

Today’s hiring market is more complex than ever. To reach the right candidates for your open positions, are you thinking like a recruiter from the beginning of your candidate search? The market now demands that everyone in the business owns the role of a recruiter, not just HR. Why… Read More

Resource: Competing With The Gig Economy

As this article shows, freelancers are now accounting for nearly 36 percent of the US workforce in arguably one of the most competitive job markets of all time.  In fact, hiring managers tell us that they now often find themselves reviewing resumes that build on freelance… Read More