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Another Source Blog

Tools to navigate the obstacles to recruiting, the war for top talent, and how to navigate hiring complexities

A gray laptop with the cover page of Another Source’s e-book, Best Practices in Recruiting, against a concrete backdrop

Best Practices in Recruiting (E-book)

Is your hiring team looking to gain an understanding of current labor market updates, candidate motivations, and employer branding?   If so, we explore these themes in Another Source’s new e-book, Best Practices in Recruiting: Actionable Steps for Employers Driven by Data. In this publication,… Read More

Happy Juneteenth

Juneteenth, a combination of the words “June” and “nineteenth,” celebrates the end of slavery in the United States. Although President Abraham Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863 during the Civil War, Confederate states had yet to formally abolish the practice two years later. Read More
Golden fireworks dot a dark night sky.

Happy New Year!

Welcome, 2023! Our team is looking forward to an exciting, eventful year. What are some professional goals we can help you reach in the new year?  Be sure to follow us on all of our channels so you never miss a beat: … Read More
A table set with pecan pie, persimmons, a pumpkin, apples, and a turkey

Happy Thanksgiving from Another Source During our team huddle last week, we each shared our favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal. Some said mashed potatoes, others said pie, and yet others place more emphasis on the quality time spent with loved ones. Are there any special traditions you are fond of? On behalf… Read More
A pair of black-rimmed eyeglasses

Coffee & Conversations with Arjun Devgan

Every month, Another Source invites a guest to meet with our team for a quick Coffee & Conversations chat. This November, we had the pleasure of meeting with Arjun Devgan, Global Vice President of Customer Success at Amplitude. We enjoyed our time with Arjun so much that… Read More
Hispanic Heritage Month 2022

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15th through October 15th, 2022. This year, the theme for Hispanic Heritage Month is “Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation.” Here are some fast facts about the celebration:  September 15th commemorates the independence… Read More

Q3 2021 Update: Create an inclusive environment for all candidates by showcasing your company’s DEI efforts

As we announced in June 2020, we are committed to dismantling systemic inequality in recruiting. Part of this commitment involves quarterly updates surrounding our efforts.    This month, we’re sharing recommendations for how companies can showcase their inclusivity efforts to candidates. These insights come directly from our experienced team of… Read More

20+ Great Questions to Ask an Interviewer

As recruiters, we often stress that a job interview is a two-way street: not only does a candidate need to be a good match for an organization, but the organization must be a good match for the candidate! Interviews are a great opportunity for you as a job seeker to… Read More

6 Quick Tips for a More Inclusive Interview Process

Diversity and inclusivity are priorities for most companies this year, and the interview process is a great place to start. If you’re planning to hire soon, here are a few tips for more inclusive interviewing.  Screen in, not out.  We always recommend screening in instead of screening out… Read More

Another Source Statement of Support for the AAPI Community

This past year has seen an increase in racist and xenophobic statements and acts targeted towards the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. Inflammatory rhetoric and acts of violence against AAPI must be addressed.  Another Source condemns these attacks and stands in solidarity with the AAPI community. … Read More

Halfway There: Reflecting on 2020

July 1st has come and gone, the halfway point of 2020. With so many ups and downs, twists and turns, it has been difficult to maintain any level of normalcy this year. Our world was flipped upside down. There have been predictions missed, loved ones lost, businesses closed,… Read More

Hiring Manager Insight Amidst the Pandemic – Featured Interview Series

We are honored to feature Michael Fusco, President of Fusco & Orsini Insurance Services, a premier independent commercial insurance agency. “Our People. Your Team”, is the tagline Fusco & Orsini Insurance Services lives by. Their team of experienced brokers and service professionals are dedicated, and take the time to understand their client’s needs. Because of this, the people of… Read More