Sacramento State University – Recruiting for Higher Education Financial Services - Another Source -Another Source

Senior Director of Accounting Services


Sacramento State University – Recruiting for Higher Education Financial Services


“The systematic approach of going through candidates from different industries and asking me the right questions in response to what they were seeing in the market was incredibly helpful.” – Gina Curry, Associate VP for Financial Services

Sacramento State University was hiring for a Senior Director of Accounting Services within Financial Services. This role would manage the University’s financial records and needed both accounting and management experience.

The Challenge

The incumbent for this position required both accounting and management experience, while also understanding the CSU system and the nuances of accounting within higher education. Sacramento State had tried recruiting for this role independently for months, and were struggling to find candidates who would be both a technical skill fit and cultural fit. To find the right candidate, it was necessary to have in-depth conversations with applicants – and the in-house team at the University did not have the bandwidth for those conversations.

The Solution

The hiring team partnered with Another Source, and our Talent Strategists built a customized recruitment strategy that included recalibration throughout the entire engagement. We were able to have the conversations with candidates that the hiring team was unable to have. Through weekly calls, provided feedback on what we were seeing in the market and recommended opening up the pool to other industries outside of higher education.

The Result

By working in partnership with the hiring team and utilizing our expertise in this market, we were able to deliver a high-quality candidate pool to the hiring manger, who ultimately made an offer to one of these candidates for the role. “The constant tweaking of the conversation and criteria based on the pre-screening was what ultimately helped us land the perfect candidate,” said Curry.

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