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A smiling woman with a black collared blouse sitting next to a bearded man who is laughing

What is motivating candidates in their job search?

From quiet quitting to rage applying, it seems that every week a new term crops up attempting to make sense of rapid workforce changes.   Semantics aside, the labor market is still highly competitive with an ongoing population shortage, wage increases driven by inflation, and more retirements. Read More
A compass pointing north lies atop a linen backdrop.

Purpose at Work

What does it mean to find purpose at work?    A quick Google search yields over 7 billion results on why purposeful work matters, how younger generations prioritize finding meaning in their work, the benefits for organizations, and the list goes on. Many people recently impacted by industry… Read More
An illustration of 4 figures holding up rulers and the LinkedIn icon

Build a strong LinkedIn profile with these 5 tips

LinkedIn is about as synonymous with job searching in the 21st century as peanut butter and jelly. Making a good impression online isn’t rocket science, but it does involve you being intentional about what you include on your profile. Below are five tried and true methods to… Read More
Golden fireworks dot a dark night sky.

Happy New Year!

Welcome, 2023! Our team is looking forward to an exciting, eventful year. What are some professional goals we can help you reach in the new year?  Be sure to follow us on all of our channels so you never miss a beat: … Read More
A yellow paper cutout against a blue background reads “thank you”

Video: Thank-you notes do’s and don’ts

While it’s not necessarily a requirement for the job interview process, writing a thank you note or email is a nice touch that can help you leave a good impression on a hiring manager or team.  Here’s a 90-second video shared by LinkedIn News… Read More
A smiling woman does some brainstorming on a whiteboard.

9 steps to make your resume a success

Did you know that recruiters spend an average of just 10 seconds looking over a resume?  Traditionally, January is one of the busiest times of the year for recruitment. With such an influx of applications and resumes, how do you make yours stand out amongst the crowd?… Read More