HR Brew: NYC’s pay transparency law has gotten off to a rocky start - Another Source -Another Source

NYC’s pay transparency law has gotten off to a rocky start

Nov 2022

Marcie Glenn

On November 1, 2022, New York City enacted its pay transparency law in the spirit of promoting fair wages for job seekers. However, as HR Brew reports, some companies are listing salary bands that are two to three times – sometimes even four! – in size. Take this snafu from Citi, for example:

A screenshot of a salary range posted by Citi, starting at $0 and going to $2 million.

According to Citi, who posted a job ranging from $0-2 million, the posting was due to a clerical error.

How should employers approach this new requirement without stepping on any toes? Another Source recently polled readers on LinkedIn, “In your experience, what is the best way to prepare for conversations around compensation?”

  • 45% of respondents said “Do your research on pay ranges”
  • 25% said “Perform a pay equity audit”
  • 20% suggested “Reevaluate job postings,” and finally,
  • 10% selected “Other” (we’re all ears)

If you are in HR and want to learn more on this topic, listen to this helpful conversation from the Building Culture podcast on equity in compensation.


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